3 min read

Understanding Parasites and its Prevention in Pets

Clearbrook Animal Hospital - Your Pet's Health, Our Passion and Promise.
Written by
Dr. Vishesh Jalan
Created on
May 16, 2023
Learn more about common parasites and its prevention in pets

A Constant Threat to Your Pet's Health

As a pet owner, you want to protect your furry friend from any potential harm. This includes the threat of parasites. Parasites are organisms that live on or in a host organism and can cause a variety of health problems. Some parasites, like fleas and ticks, are visible to the naked eye, while others, like heartworms and intestinal parasites, aren't. This article explores common parasites that can affect your pets and why prevention is key to your pet's health.

Common Parasites in Pets

In our Fraser Valley animal hospital, we frequently encounter cases of pets infested with parasites. Some of the most common ones include fleas, ticks, heartworms, and intestinal parasites such as roundworms, hookworms, and tapeworms.

Fleas and ticks not only cause discomfort and itching but can also lead to skin infections, allergic reactions, and the transmission of other diseases. Heartworms are transmitted by mosquitoes and primarily affect the heart and lungs, posing a severe risk to your pet's health. Intestinal parasites can cause problems like diarrhea, weight loss, and general poor health.

“Parasite prevention is crucial for maintaining your pet's health. Regular preventative treatments can protect your pet from the discomfort and illnesses associated with parasite infestations.”

The Importance of Parasite Prevention

Parasite prevention is crucial for maintaining your pet's health. Regular preventative treatments can protect your pet from the discomfort and illnesses associated with parasite infestations. The adage "prevention is better than cure" holds particularly true in this regard.

Moreover, some parasites, like certain ticks and fleas, can transmit diseases to humans as well, making their prevention even more critical.

Our Role as Your Trusted Abbotsford Vet

At Clearbrook Animal Hospital, we emphasize the importance of regular parasite prevention treatments. During your pet's wellness examination, we will discuss and recommend the most suitable preventative care based on your pet's lifestyle and risk factors.

We offer a wide range of preventive products that are safe and effective in protecting your pet from common parasites. These include oral medications, spot-on treatments, and collars. Your vet will guide you in choosing the best product for your pet. Regular visits to the vet ensure that your pet remains protected from parasites. Not only do we provide the necessary preventative treatments, but regular vet visits also allow us to detect and address any parasitic infestation early, before it can cause severe health issues.


As a pet owner, one of your essential responsibilities is to protect your pet from parasites. It's a critical aspect of their overall health care. Remember, prevention is always easier and more cost-effective than treating a parasitic infestation. Partner with us, your local vets near you at Clearbrook Animal Hospital, to keep your pet parasite-free and healthy.

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